Episode 8 | Breaking Free From Worry: A Little Worry Goes a Long Way

Season #1

In the last episode we looked at why you worry, and what you worry about.

 Today we’re learning how to make peace with your fears, worries and anxieties, so that you can pivot that energy to create more power in your life.

 Go ahead and grab your downloaded worksheets if you have them or go to the link below in the notes to get access if you desire and are able to take notes.

 Now, worry, by definition, is nothing more than apprehensive expectation. In other words, when you’re worrying, you simply have the strong belief that something bad will happen…and that’s not a bad thing.

 No matter how much you prepare, there’s an inescapable element of chaos in any endeavor or undertaking. After all, you’re not the only one making plans, and even with the best of intentions, accidents happen.


Are you ready to start a journey toward your worry-free life of joy, connection and high achievement? If so make sure to listen to all the episodes and utilize the downloadable worksheets as you listen and implement your new insights.



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